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Next ships to add to the mod


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  • SWR Staff - Executive

anything and everything is up for grabs here in terms of what will make the next release


currently I am planning the clone wars era vessels next


however single ship suggestions are welcome

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I guess you've heard this a few times already and I hate sounding like a broken record, but the thing I'd like to see the most is a return of the Victory SDs (and a counter on the Rebels side...an older MC-80 maybe??).
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Venator + Victory for the empire are two definite SD classes to consider :)

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i would see the Sovereign Class Star Destroyer. :) The screenshots in the development gallery are awesome. You make an fantastic job. All your ships are wounderful appreciations of the star wars universe. Even admiral giels armada transporter is here :)

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...
They needed the entire fleet to do that, which was quite a lot of ships, including starfighters (possibly bombers as well?) and many many capital ships. Sure, the Leviathan was the first interdictor ship and was the most powerful cap ship of that time, that does not mean that it would be as powerful against ships made 1000's of years later.

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Please add the Mediator Battlecruiser.  And thats all I want!  ;D Well... of course all the ships but that would be my first request lol. Edited by Hawawaa

Kordo Zako ovfa Hawawaa

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I believe that the Leviathan has 12 4D turbolasers? so it is essentially as well armed as a heavy corvette with an interdiction field...


Yes but its still a capital ship isn't it? I mean, its a really cool-looking ship, but its no match for the capital ships of the "current" age.

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You know, I've always wanted to see the Bothan Assault Cruiser for the Alliance. I don't really know the specs, but it seems like a pretty powerful ship. Also, I hope the Hapan Battle Dragon and Nova Cruiser will appear the next version of Warlords. For the Empire, I look forward to seeing the different Star Destroyer classes: Victory-class (I,II and Modified), the Alliegance-class, the Dominator-class, the Imperator III-class, the Harrow-class and the Titan Cruiser.


Also, I believe I mentioned this ealier on, why did you remove the Research Facility (it appeared in the earlier versions, .40 I believe) for the Empire, EJ? I thought it was really cool looking, and it freed up a lot of time from researching Advanced Tecnology from the upgrades.

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Yes I agree with you freek it wouldn't be a match by current standards to any destroyer or heavy frigate.

Speaking of "current" age, are we going to see any Legacy era ships in the future like the Scythe battle cruiser or the Palleon class star destroyer.

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  • 2 months later...

Hi EJ,

How many people help you now with your mod?

Its look like Homeworld game engine is a little bit more capable than Haegemonia. So I want to really help you.


I have had some models (Yuuzhan Vong) done for you , but you are incredibly growning up and it is really difficult to keep your high standard.

Btw. Have you some polygons limits for ships?

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  • SWR Staff - Executive
The scale of the Death Star and the limits of the engine would probably stop it from being in the game. (I know there is probably some official wod that Eville has already stated)


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The Death Star can be seen in the "Endor" scenario (though it is bugged beyond belief :P)

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