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Star Wars Galaxies

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Hey guys. I finally got rid of my dial-up connection, so I am now capable of playing some online PVP games. I was considering Star Wars Galaxies. Does anyone play it? The concept sounds awesome, but I heard mixed reviews.

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* moves to Galaxies forum..


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Picture this you start off, lots of fun scenery and nifty looking graphics, all is blissful and all is well...


-Fourteen Hours later-


Congratulations you have gotten your first experience box in Pistols, only 28 hours to the second box yippie!


-Fifty Hours later-


Congratulations you have mastered the 4 initial pistols boxes, now for the eighteen advanced ones.


-Six hours later-


Congratulations you have bought a speeder, now all you need to do is play for 100 more hours to pay for maintenance on it for a whole 30 minutes worth of use...


-10 Minutes later-


... CD has a bad run in with a hammer, and for the life of me window's can't find the files for it... hmmm


Thats basically what happened when I played it. I got to like pistoleer 3-1-1-4 and then like Commando 1-1-3-1 and then I realized I was tired of finding a nice spawn location, making a macro and then going to sleep to get my experience... The game is AWFUL terrible, you could easily say that the game is what created the headache, avoid the game if possible. If you are going for an RP try... crap whats it called Guild Wars or something... I can't remember the name, but it is supposed to be some revolutionary game in Rping. That or get PlanetSide I enjoyed that one.

"I saw the greatest minds of my generation destroyed by madness, starving, hysterical, naked, dragging themselves through the negro streets at dawn looking for an angry fix." -Allen Ginnsberg, "Howl"
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Yeah, I think I'll avoid it. After careful consideration, I do not believe that I have the time needed to devote to those games. I'd be stuck at level one forever, dying every few seconds. And I also thinks its stupid that you have to pay out money to buy the game, and then pay additional money to PLAY the game. I for one will pass.

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  • 2 weeks later...

that's my gripe with any MMO


while I understand the need for monthly fees, it just doesnt fit my gaming style where I'll play a game, get bored or stuck so I'll load up Dark Forces II or Rebellion or Uncharted Waters for my SNES or Diablo II single player (ashamed) :oops:




it requires alot of time (I was thinking of getting WoW) that I don't have

"I can feel your anger. It gives you focus. It gives you strength." - Nothing happens to Palpatine without him wanting it to...except getting thrown down that shaft ofcourse. Let's hear it for the Empire.
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  • 4 weeks later...
I played SWG on Naritus before I found this site, which sucks because I could have played with you all. Anyway, about 6 months ago I dropped out and started playing EQ2 and am thoroughly enjoying it, but I hear they did the combat revamp thats supposed to fix some problems in the game. Is it still a big grind fest? I hated working my way up to Jedi, and when I finally got him, it sucked. Have they fixed all that, or has everyone who might know already quit? (I dont want to use the galaxies forums because people there are either crazed fanatics or whiners)
Count Dooku is the strongest Star Wars character as depicted in the movies. All hail Christopher Lee.
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I play SWG, it's fun actually, not very laggy.

I don't see why everybody hates it.....

I'm A riflemen, and an Imperial. I'm also building a custome Tie figher. and fairly rich.


I suggest the Total experiance, if you're going to get it.

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well, I have it but I'm not subscribed to it. Is everyone still obsessed with the Jedi grind and do Jedis still suck? Furthermore, how has the CU changed the game?
Count Dooku is the strongest Star Wars character as depicted in the movies. All hail Christopher Lee.
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The main reason I don;t play SWG is the monthly fee. I just don't think that you should have to pay for a game and then pay by the nose to keep the game working. Plus it doesn't really fit into my sort of style, I play my games when I want to and like to be able to come and go. Obviously if you are paying per month you are complelled to play for that period of time. I like the concept a lot and it sounds kinda cool but I will not pay the monthly fee.
I've just remembered i've got a signature!
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I've never had a problem with the monthy fee. Its like paying for the internet. If you ONLY use it for business purposes, then your office or library computer will suffice. Instead, you pay a monthly fee for the internet to go to this site and others and to enjoy the online capability of other games. In short, the privilege to use the host's resources whenever you want. Given that these companies run costly servers and expect to keep gamers online for a minimum of one year, a 15/month online fee isnt much to expect. You pay for the privilege not only of being able to be in the Star Wars world (which any SW can do), but also to do it with all those players. For many people, thats appealing enough to justify the 15/month. The concept of a monthly fee isnt a bad thing at all. Consider this: my friend has played Ultima Online for almost 10 years. Considering the company's point of view, his taking up server time for 10 years has cost more than the 40 dollars he paid for the game. If there were no monthly fees, the game would have to charge an inordinate amount for the game because unlike say, SW Battlefront or Halo or those other online games which may get 1-5 big patches, new stuff is constantly coming out for MMOs and therefore it costs money to make those changes. If I could play one game for 10 years for 40 dollars, I sure as heck wouldn't buy any other video game that will only last me 50 or so hours, therefore making the standard of games 2-3 YEARS at the least. Speaking from an industry standpoint, its better to charge monthly for games with such longevity and give you a flat 50 dollar charge for video games with the standard 10-50 hour lifespan. that works for you too, because Pay-to-play MMOs have to compete to be the absolute best to get your dollars every month, yet it doesnt put pressure on the regular games to have enormous lifespans, allowing more games to come out (imagine if one company spent all that money into making a giant game and it crashed. We could say goodbye to that company even if they had previous successes)
Count Dooku is the strongest Star Wars character as depicted in the movies. All hail Christopher Lee.
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  • 3 months later...
Meh. I just don't believe I have the proper time to allocate to such a gaming experience. Perhaps in the future. For now, I will stick to my platform games, which I can play at my own pace without the world changing about me during long leaves.

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  • 2 months later...
So my friend sent me a link for a 10 day trial of Galaxies, and the price was right. So I gave it a whirl. I didn't care for it much. Then again, I don't like PC games either. Or at least the ones where you need to use both the keyboard and mouse to move and kill stuff. Hokey keyboards and ancient mouses are no match for having a console game controller at your side!

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