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Hidden Agenda


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OOC: Well, I wouldn't want this to turn into Home and Away *shudder*. So looks like I'll jump into play for a little bit to get things moving again - I'll just pop in and out though, nothing special I'm still getting use to RPGs.

I'll use Karn Macen for this story - my info is on the "Sign in Here" thread (here).


IC: The Reckless Wonderer dropped out of hyperspace over a planet that Karn couldn't identify. He was too tired to ask about the planet - he was too tired to even ask if there were any Imperials on scope. He and his crew had a large shipment of stolen supplies he was trying to get to the Rebellion, and for the past three days straight he had been trying to avoid Imperials. Now he was just tired. A Mon Calamarian male at the ships sensor station pipped up.

"Sir, we're reading an Alliance emergency distress beacon from the planet."

"What, you've gotta be kiding me . . . we're in the middle of no where!" Karn wasn't usually this easily annoyed, though Karn usually didn't stay up for three days straight.

"Alright, alright. Comms, get in contact with the people on planet and tell them we're on our way. Captian Kre'nel , send a shuttle down to get them. Will this day ever end?"

The Captain replieyed, "Yes sir. Shuttle away - oh, and it's been three days sir."

"Don't remind me"

The shuttle was half way down to the planet when the long range sensors came online. "Reading inbound Imperial customs vessel - it looks like the one we've been running from."

Karn was cursing his bad luck - What else could go wrong?

Taking the command seat on the bridge, Karn began relaying orders and hoping the shuttle would get back soon . . .




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OOC: go ahead and post Ulic, i'll jump back in here from time to time and see whats going on, but i'm mostly invloved in the Vathinor Crisis at the moment! if things get interesting i'll convince Jess to jump back in with me. Until then! :D
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OOC: I guess this might be the last post in this thread, so I'll try to rap up Jess and Tan's adventure on the planet there on. If anyone else wants to continue on, I'll jump back in - though I'm going to concentrate on my other RPGs.


IC: The shuttle was now out of the planets atmosphere. Karn could feel sweat on his forhead. The Imperial customs vessel would be in system any minute. With that thought, warning klaxons rang through the ship as the Imperial vessel dropped out of hyperspace.

"Sir, there's an . . ."

"I kinda noticed," Karn cut off his sensor's officer as he was still waiting for the shuttle to make it back. Fine, we've been running all day - now it's time to fight.

"All personal - battle stations. This is not a drill." Karn called over the comm unit. He left Captian Kre'nel to fill in the blank, she began ordering personal around preparing for battle. The ship turned to face the Imperial custom's craft which was between them and the planet. It wasn't large or deadly - though it had enough weaponary to do some bad damage to his ship, something he was trying to avoid. Then things got worse - the Imperial craft changed it's direction towards the shuttle.

"Emporer's black bones! They're going for the shuttle - Kre'nel plot an intercept course and load the forward torpedo launchers."

Karn winced at loading the custom warhead launchers that he had added to the frigate - they had been known to be "problematic."

The frigate's engines blaired to life and began pushing the 200 metre long vessel along an intercept path towards the Imperial ship.

Captian Kre'nel spoke up. "Sir, we'll be able to fire on them before they can attack the shuttle - though I'm not sure if that will stop the pursuit."

Karn doubted it as well, the normal weapons on the ship wouldn't get the Imperial's attention. Though a pair of torpedoes along with a barrage of energy weapons would.

"Fire all weapons that bear on the target, including the warheads."

After a few seconds, the weapons on the Reckless Wonderer awoke in a brilliant blaze of red fire. The high powered laser blasts, supported by a few turbolasers collided with the Imperial vessel. The enemy shrugged off the blasts and allowed its sheilds to absorb the damage - stopping almost all blasts from hitting the ship's hull. That was until the two blue plasma clouds errupted along its spine as the proton torpedoes detanated against its shields.

Now they had the Imperials attention. Slowly it changed course and headed straight towards Karn's frigate. The sensors on his ship showed the shuttle continuing on its path towards them - it would still take a little while, they would have to battle this out.

Red and Green energy bolts littered the space between the two warships. The Imperial vessel began moving away from the planet in an attempt to get ahead of the frigate and cover any jump points. Karn countered this move by heading towards the planet - putting himself between the Imperials and the shuttle.

"Full broadside across the Imperials bridge, " Karn yelled. The frigates weapons all fired upon the ships bridge, causing the shields to swell in an effort to absorb all the shots. The Imperial vessel wasn't designed for combat, rather intercepting and boarding. Its shields were able to stop all the energy blasts, though just - this information would work out good for Karn.

"The shuttle has just docked, sir." Captian Kre'nel called from the other side of the bridge.

"Good, plot an exit vector."

"The Imperial vessel is headed for the closest one, should I plot another course?"

"No, they'll just go for the next as well. Follow them - it's time to deal with this Imperial pest."

The Frigate accelerated to full speed and was heading along the same path as the Imperial. Karn's frigate was faster, though would have to pass the Imperials. Which meant they would try to block his path, not unless the Imperials couldn't move.

"Dive the nose of the ship along the current axis for effective firing, roll 5 degrees and concentrate all fire over the enemies engines. Load the warhead launchers with heavy rockets."

The frigate altered its vector slightly, pointing a little down from its original path and rolling a little. This allowed almost half the frigates weapons to bare down on the Imperial ship. The weapons from his frigate blazed over the Imperial's rear shields, and it became evident that it was beginning to struggle. Now, he thought.

"Concentrate fire at the centre of the engine block and fire warheads!" The energy blasts converged onto a single point and began overloading the shields there. Within 5 seconds a hole in the shields opened allowing the energy blasts to flood through and start ripping apart the engine. The energy fire was followed by a pair of heavy rockets that expoded as they crashed into the ships engines, stopping the customs vessel dead in space.

"Now, all available energy into engines and shields - anything that's left put into weapons to hold off the customs vessel. Captain, get us to safety."

She noded and began ordering the ship's crew, as the frigate began accellerating towards the nav beacon. As they passed by the customs ship, they were hit by a huge barrage of fire that the ships shields couldn't completely stop. Several blasts got through and hit the frigate's hull, scortching it. Karn grit his teath hoping that they couldn't punch a hole through his ship before they could pass the Imperials.

The frigate roared past the Imperial customs vessel, its shields quickly closing the holes that had opened, protecting the armor from any more damage. The frigate arrived at the nav point, still being fired apon at long range by the Imperial ship. The stars then became long stripes, which resolved into a blue swirl.

With a sigh of relief throughout the ship, Karn congradualted the ships crew. He turned to Captian Kre'nel to ask their destination.

"We're headed towards a near by Rebel fleet. We can drop off our passangers there hopefully."

"Good, frankly - I'm sick of today!"

The Reckless Wonderer continued travelling through hyperspace, towards its destination . . .




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