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  1. Research linked types: linkedPlanetType "Desert" linkedPlanetType "Ice" linkedPlanetType "Ocean" linkedPlanetType "Terran" linkedPlanetType "Volcanic" linkedPlanetUpgradeType "ArtifactLevel" linkedPlanetUpgradeType "Infrastructure" linkedPlanetUpgradeType "Invalid" linkedWeaponClass "AUTOCANNON" linkedWeaponClass "BEAM" linkedWeaponClass "FLASHBEAM" linkedWeaponClass "GAUSS" linkedWeaponClass "Invalid" linkedWeaponClass "LASERPSI" linkedWeaponClass "LASERTECH" linkedWeaponClass "MISSILE" linkedWeaponClass "PHASEMISSILE" linkedWeaponClass "PLASMA" linkedWeaponClass "PULSEGUN" linkedWeaponClass "WAVE"
  2. Research modifiers in use in the main game: AllegianceFromCultureMaxPerc AllowGalaxyTravel AllowWormHoleTravel AntimatterCapacityAdjustment AntimatterRegenAdjustment ArmorBaseAdjustment BlackMarketBuyPriceAdjustment BombingDamageAsDamageDealerAdjustment BombingDamageAsDamageTargetAdjustment BombingPopulationKilledPercAsDamageTarget BombingRangeAdjustment BountyBoughtAdjustment BountyCollectedAdjustment CapitalShipAngularThrustAdjustment CapitalShipCultureProtectRateAdjustment CapitalShipMaxSlotLevel CapitalShipMaxSlots CapitalShipMaxTrainableLevel CargoShipCapacityAdjustment CreditCostAdjustment CultureAntimatterRegenAmount CultureEnemyBuildRateAdjustment CultureResistPercent CultureShieldMitigationAdjustment CultureSpreadDecayAdjustment CultureSpreadIsAlwaysVisible CultureSpreadRateAdjustment CultureWeaponDamageAdjustment DerivativeCreditsFromPurchasesPercent DerivativeCreditsFromTradePercent ExperienceAwardedAdjustment ExperienceConstantGainLevelCap ExperienceConstantGainRate ExtractionRateCrystalAdjustment ExtractionRateFromResourceFocus ExtractionRateMetalAdjustment HangarFightersPerSquadAdjustment HullPointsMaxAdjustment HullPointsRegenAdjustment HyperspaceAntimatterCostAdjustment HyperspaceBetweenSystemSpeedAdjustment HyperspaceChargeUpRateAdjustment HyperspaceDetectionAnyJumps HyperspaceDetectionOneJump HyperspaceDetectionTwoJumps HyperspaceExitDistanceAdjustment HyperspaceInSystemSpeedAdjustment HyperspaceSpeedPhaseGateAdjustment IncomePercLost MassReduction ModuleBuildRateAdjustment ModuleCostForSimilarTypesAdjustment PirateStrengthAgainstYouAdjustment PlanetHealthRegenRateAdjustment PlanetIsColonizable PlanetPopulationCapAdjustment PlanetsDetectedByCulture PlanetSlotsCivilianIncrease PlanetSlotsShipsAdjustment PlanetSlotsTacticalIncrease PlanetUpgradeBuildRateAdjustment PlanetUpgradeCostAdjustment PopulationGrowthRateAdjustment QuestDeadlineAdjustment QuestFailureHappinessAdjustment QuestRewardHappinessAdjustment RebellionLevel ResearchBuildRateAdjustment ResearchCostAdjustment ResourceCostAdjustment SalvageWreckagePercent ScuttleRateAdjustment ScuttleValueAdjustment ShieldMaxMitigationAdjustment ShieldPointsMaxAdjustment ShieldPointsRegenAdjustment ShipBuildRateAdjustment ShipMaxSlotLevel ShipMaxSlots TradeGoodsValueAdjustment WeaponDamageAdjustment WeaponIgnoresShieldsAdjustment WeaponRangeAdjustment WeaponRateOfFireAdjustment
  3. There is actually a squad function that the fighters get wrapped in.. the question is whether it's hard coded to be attached to something or if they can be made to be controlled independently.
  4. Hi, I'm Rogue Jedi, I've never actually done any real modding before but I've been a programmer for about 7 years now, 6 in PHP, the last year in C# and some mixed Java and C++ play time. I did PHP freelancing as a day job up until just over a year ago where I started a C# job and I've been there ever since. ermau@hotmail.com is my MSN. I typically get home around 6PM EST.
  5. I'll have to try it again now that it's RTM, but in the beta there was no way (that I could find) to have more than two fighter types buildable by a capital. Could cause a problem if we want to have say stardestroyers capable of building/holding TIE Fighters/Interceptors/Bombers/Defenders/Etc
  6. How about a whole set of forums.. sitting right above this group at the top
  7. Proper scaling would be awesome I assume you mean where the Vasari can just jump directly to any planet (with the structure)? I'd actually think not using that would be more accurate. Due to the nature of how hyperdrives work, you can't just make a straight line to any destination, you have to worry about objects in the path, hence why most travel is done through the so-called 'lanes' jumping from planet to planet. I think the only happy medium here would be to have more connected planets unlike the current games where a straight line could be made between two planets, but you can't jump directly there. There's two routes you could go. You could start from pre-clone wars and have research be what brings you through the clone wars tech, trilogy tech, etc. Or this route could be taken. Personally I'm for the former (or a choice, if possible). This route would work well though I think, massive upgrades (fleet-wide armor, shield, etc) that actually make a difference would be a refreshing change than those that don't seem to help at all (where greater numbers always defeats higher upgrades.) Though one example of where this route becomes a problem is things like fighters. I could be wrong, but after playing around a bit, there seems to be a hard limit of two types of fighters allowed.. anything more than that and it's like it the data parser can't handle it, complaining of missing attributes that are right below it. Hence there would need to be an upgrade path of TIE Fighters -> Interceptors and I haven't even figured out if that kind of squad upgrade is possible. This sounds very cool. When I've often though of re-imagining Rebellion, the thought of companies producing the ships via contracts and the like always comes up. Even to the point of letting players BE one of the companies, expanding and defending their holdings, etc. Though playing as KDY or the like is likely out of the scope of this mod.
  8. I've barely looked at Sins for modding yet (though was just the other day thinking about a Star Wars mod and how nice it would be to get the models from Warlords, and here I find you're already working on it) but would certainly be interested in helping out if I can. I'm more of a programmer than a 3D person, so I'm not sure exactly what you need. I'm in EST.
  9. Hamachi actually works quite well, the problem is two fold: 1. You must know ahead of time who you're going to play with and join their network. 1a. There is a limited network size, so we can't just start a PFF network. 2. When emulated, it resembles a network in every form. Therefore, shared folders (and the viruses that go with them) are available to all in the network. Should you be on a network with those you know and/or have your shares and virus protection setup correctly, it's great. For example, I use it with a group of friends from a LAN party quite offenly to game and since I already know them (and we obviously all know how to deal with our shares and such, since we've been lanning for real obviously) it works out great.
  10. It does not show up in the log at all, and it is correctly just .mod.
  11. I put a .mod file in the MAJORM_CAT and the appropriate folders and such and it doesn't show up in the manager.
  12. I did miss it, I couldn't seem to find it (and still can't.) It's Rogue by the way EDIT: Found it. I originally saw Alpha 2.5 and thought that was newer then 1.0. Whoops. Well there goes good number of hours, oh well

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